Students International (SI) is the international group of companies (consulting, recruiting, marketing), which has been working since the year 1992.
SI has the biggest agencies network – 44 offices, representatives and partners in various cities of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belorus, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Latvia .
SI sends more than 3000 students abroad each year. We more than 250 partner educational institutions in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Malta, Japan and other countries.
Our company participates in more than 20 annually educational fairs in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Latvia. Besides that Students International conducts own educational roadshows in 28 cities annually. Pls refer to
SI runs 5 IELTS Test Centers in Kiev, Moscow , S.Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Vladivostok and arranges regular IELTS sessions in 20 cities across Ukraine and Russia , more than 100 IELTS examinations per year!
Students International has partnership with more than 150 universities and schools in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan .
We are the only company which publish many specialized brochures in Russian and Ukrainian languages: «Education in Canada», «Education in Europe», «Education in Australia», «Education in New Zealand».
SI is a highly professional team with a huge experience in marketing and recruiting, who get regular training in foreign educational institutions and participate in major international conferences, trainings and workshops:CECN, ICEF , ALPHE, StudyWorld, IALC, etc...
SI – is your reliable and up-and-coming partner!
Канберра – столица Австралии (или, правильнее, Австралийского Союза). Население Канберры с пригородами составляет около 391 тысячи человек, это крупнейший город страны, находящийся не на п...
Задайте интересующий вас вопрос, и мы постараемся ответить на него максимально оперативно и подробно.
Students International имеет собственные офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Владивостоке, Киеве и еще в 44 городах России, Украины и Казахстана.
ул. Щипок, д.20,
офис 306-308
(ст. метро Серпуховская, Павелецкая)
+7 (495) 125-15-76
ул. Чапыгина, д.6-п,
офис 400, Бизнес-Центр "ТВ-ПОЛИС"
(ст. метро Петроградская)
+7 (812) 332-14-38
197376, г.Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чапыгина, д.6-п,
офис 400, Бизнес-Центр "ТВ-ПОЛИС"
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Students International, 2002-2025.
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